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Please donate to They need the money. Plus, you can get all this stuff from usenet (alt.binaries.mame) and lots of torrents available at I am worried the rush to get these will break or cost them a zillion dollars where there are other options available that are free or very nearly so. At least kick them ten bucks, please. is the most hippie, free love and amazing website on the internet. It makes Jimmy Wales look like the Koch brothers by comparison. Just wanted to encourage the donation. 149 is a great release.
This website contain the ROMS for MAME emulator, mame roms pack and arcade. Download game Description of game This game working only with newest. I want to redownload some roms to get a full complete set, is there a way to download bulk roms or a complete set from retroroms? Downloading 100's of zips manually is a pain. I'm still looking for a complete wheel art set for mame to use in my frontend (attract mode).