Data Compare Redgate

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With SQL Data Compare, you can compare and deploy the data in two Microsoft SQL Server databases. You can also compare a backup with a database, a scripts folder, or another backup.

In this example, we are comparing 2 tables and the values of NULL are displayed if there are no matching rows. This method works to verify new rows, but if we update other columns, the left join does not help. Is there another method to compare tables? Let's use the Except clause to see what we can find. Compare Tables Using the EXCEPT Clause The Except method shows the difference between two tables (the Oracle guys use minus instead of except and the syntax and use is the same). It is used to compare the differences between two tables. For example, let's see the differences between the two tables: Now let's run a query using except.

Sql Server Data Compare Tools

Unfortunately it does not create a script to synchronize the tables. Is there a way to compare tables and synchronize results? Compare Tables Using the Tablediff Tool There is a nice command line tool used to compare tables. This can be found in 'C: Program Files Microsoft SQL Server 110 COM ' folder. This command line tool is used to compare tables.

Sql Compare Data

It also generates a script with the insert, update and delete statements to synchronize the tables. For more details, refer to this Compare Changes in a Table Using the Change Data Capture CDC This feature was added in SQL Server 2008. You need to enable this feature and you also need to have SQL Server Agent running. Basically it creates system tables that track the changes in your tables that you want to monitor. It does not compare tables, but it tracks the changes in tables. For more information, refer to this article:. Compare Data Types Between Two Tables What happen if we want to compare the data types?